Sunday, April 1, 2012

Shift Shaping Review

I couldn't agree more with Bart Gazzola. Here's his review on exhibition on June Jacob's show, Shift Shaping in Planet S.

Shift Shaping

 June Jacobs has really grown as an artist in the past few years. Her work touches my heart and soul.  And soon it will touch my head. For my next big birthday I intend to purchase one of her hats. High Bush Cranberry fits me perfectly but Green Curls would suit me as well.

Her show, Shift Shaping is currently at the Saskatchewan Craft Council.

I met June when I came to Saskatchewan in 1994 to see if I wanted to move here to take the ceramics program at SIAST. Over the years I have gotten to know her  as a friend and as owner of Hand Wave Gallery. Currently we are in the same CARFAC mentorship program and at meetings I value her critiques, suggestions and sense of fun.

How to Feel Miserable as an Artist

No thanks.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Old Pallets Never Die

Wow, there are some really good ideas in this video on how to reuse old wood pallets.

And here are some more from Kim Vallee.

I'll be moving beyond compost bins, etc.

Creating Cracked Texture

Watch how Hsin-Chuen Lin creates cracked texture using sodium silicate on his pots in this video 

Here's the link to his Esty shop.

He has been extremely generous sharing his skills and techniques on other videos.

Inspired? Time to get to the studio and try it.